"How A Skinny Asthmatic Kid From Connecticut Achieved A 452 Pound Bench Press and Guarantees You Can Get Similar Results
"How A Skinny Asthmatic Kid From Connecticut Achieved A 452 Pound Bench Press & Guarantees You Can Get Similar Results!"
So… is it really possible for a guy who couldn’t bench 100 pounds… to transform himself into a powerful, muscular lifter that recently benched over 452 pounds?
Well, I’ll let you be the judge. Take a look at my pictures above.
The one on the left is a picture of me in my senior year of high school. I think it’s pretty obvious that I didn’t really lift weights.
In fact… I had really bad asthma and was hospitalized a lot as a child.
So true story… I went from not even being able to lift 100 pounds… to literally being able to bench press OVER 400 pounds.
The picture on the right is after I started learning and using the bench press secrets I want to share with you.
In fact, between high school and college… I packed on over 75 pounds of muscle mass!
Sure… it took a little time. Because it took me a few years to learn and to know everything that I used… and everything that helped me.
But here’s the important thing:
If you learn the simple secrets I’m about to reveal… you can confidently add weight to your bench, pack on some solid, rock-hard muscle mass, and NEVER have to worry about being small or feeling weak again!
Take it from me personally, you can do this too!
When I started lifting weights and working on my bench press… it literally changed my life for the better.
I actually walked on a D-IAA college football team and became a starting outside linebacker my junior and senior year. You’ll never believe it… but I actually had the strongest bench press on the team my senior year… hitting 405.
I’m not saying this to brag. I just want you to open your mind to the possibilities. Because it doesn’t matter where you’re starting… it only matters where you want to go!
Like I just mentioned… as a freshman in high school… I couldn’t bench press 100 pounds.
Over time, I stuck with it. I learned things as I went along… and kept putting new tips and techniques into practice.
But the training style I used back then caused me to plateau at 300 lbs on the bench press. I stayed there for over a year. When I learned the advanced bench press secrets I’m going to show you (the same secrets that are in the Critical Bench Program)... my bench press soared to 365.
I Made More Progress In 11 Weeks
Then I Had Made In The Entire Previous Year!
When I started the program for a second time… I added another 50 lbs to my max… reaching 435.
I logged every workout I did in college that got me to a 400 plus pound bench press. And honestly, like magic… the more my bench increased… so did my muscle mass and strength.
And as my muscle mass and strength went up… so did my self-esteem and my confidence. I carried myself better… I felt better about myself. I was more outgoing. I felt more powerful.
It allowed me to get a job as a personal trainer. I wrote for the big-name Muscle Magazines. I even played some football in Europe after college.
I can honestly say that I owe so much of my life to the simple fact that I was able to dedicate a lot of time and effort to learning how to bench press RIGHT… and get bigger and stronger.
I’m not trying to paint this out to be magic. I just want to show you what’s possible when you set your mind to achieving something… and then you follow a step-by-step plan.
Who Needs This Program? Who Doesn’t?
Look, if you’re happy with what you’re benching right now, you definitely don’t need this program… unless you want to keep going up… if you want to keep getting bigger and better.
And you don’t need it if you’re currently happy with your size and muscularity. If you’re happy with the way your body looks and the amount of muscle you carry… then I’d skip this… unless you want to pack on even more muscle.
If you’re as strong as you want to be… or if you’re as quick and as powerful as you need to be for your school’s sport… you probably don’t need it.
But if you want to gain more strength, more muscle, and a much bigger bench press that makes your buddies envious and jealous, this will do it.
Why This Is Different Than Anything Else Out There
Look, this might sound like I’m bragging, but there isn’t another person online that knows more about the bench press than I do.
I mean, this stuff has been my life since I’ve been in high school. I’ve lived and breathed it for the last 10 years online. I even dedicated my business… and paying my house mortgage, to the bench press. My criticalbench.com site has grown into one of the largest and most popular sites online.
There’s no way all of this would have happened if I didn’t know my stuff. I’d like to think I’m one of the top experts in the world when it comes to the bench press. And most of what I know… it’s written down in this ebook.
It’s true… the Critical Bench Program is this same step-by-step plan that I learned and used over the last 10 years. It’s the same program that over 32,887 people have used to get stronger and bigger.
Today… I’ve bench pressed 630 pounds with a bench shirt and I’ve done 452 lbs in the gym. I’ve even got a video below of me doing 315 for 15 reps and 405 for an easy single.
Will everyone get the same results as me? I don’t know… you may get better results or you may get worse results… because we’re different people.
But one thing I know for sure… thousands of other people have tremendous success and I’m sure you’ll get amazing results as well.
And since this ebook is all about increasing your bench press by 50 pounds in 10 weeks… you’re going to get all the benefits that go with that. More muscle, more strength, more raw power, and more confidence. All the things I’ve experienced in my life when I started focusing more on the bench.
At Last… A Fail-Safe Way To Increase Your Bench Press
This ebook is basically my 10-year education… all wrapped into a simple step by step program that you can learn in one day. And you can start seeing results from this knowledge in a lot less time than you think.
If you start to follow this program today, I’d be willing to say that in 2 weeks… you’ll notice you’re stronger than you’ve been in a long time. You’ll feel your muscles are more hard… and you’re more muscular when you look in the mirror.
And the longer you continue to use it, the more the benefits will keep coming.
You’ll never feel small, weak, or puny again. You won’t get picked on or teased for being small. Like I did, you’ll start to become a leader for your team. You’ll be envied by friends, you’ll blow past your buddies when it comes to size and strength. You’ll turn more heads and get more attention from women. Bottom line, you’ll look better, feel better about yourself, and have a lot more confidence.
What Exactly Do You Get & What’s It Going To Cost?
I want you to picture how much time, effort, and energy this is going to save you in the gym. No more wasted effort. No more trial and error. No more long, ineffective workouts that don’t produce results.
You can skip the learning curve and learn my shortcut. It’s going to save you a ton of time and frustration.
Not to mention the money it’s going to save you. You won’t have to keep wasting your hard-earned cash on this expensive and unproven supplements. Things that like weight gainers, muscle builders, and other gimmicks will be a thing of the past.
No more shelling out cash and no more choking down nasty shakes. It’s all in the way you train and lift… not what supplements you take.
And not only that… I’m offering to show you this stuff at much less than you can get anywhere else.
If you spend an hour with a personal trainer at the gym… it would cost you up to $70 or more. It depends on where you live.
But honestly, there isn’t a trainer that I know of that teach you as much about benching as I can. I’ve lived and breathed this stuff for the last 10 years.
I’ve worked at many different commercial gyms and I’ve never met a personal trainer that knows the secrets of a competitive power lifter or bench presser. Why? Because the “real” experts are not allowed to train at commercial gyms due to the heavy weights they use!
I’m dead serious! I’ve been kicked out of commercial gyms before… and these are gyms I’m sure you’ve heard of… because I was lifting too much weight and causing other people around me to be uncomfortable.
Their exact words were: we’re not the kind of gym that wants to have powerlifters or hard core bodybuilders here making other people uncomfortable!
True story! Anyways…
You Can Start Using This Powerful Bench Press Program RIGHT NOW To Get Stronger Than You've Ever Been Before!
You don’t need access to any special equipment.
All you need is a bench, barbell some weights and some dumbbells. Whether you’re young or old, an athlete or weekend warrior, a novice or advanced lifter, you can use this program to set a new personal best training less than an hour a day four or five times a week.
The Critical Bench Program has sold thousands and thousands of copies since the year 2000.
So thankfully, thousands of people have used the system. And I’ve gotten thousands of emails with results and feedback from those who have used it.
"Shortly after 9-11-01 I began to take a closer look at my life and how I was living it. I was a 2 pack/day smoker and a somewhat heavy drinker. I decided to get into better health. I had attempted to get into shape on many times before but I always set un realistic goals, became frustrated and quit. A few months ago I discovered Criticalbench.com and the rest is history. The program helped in many ways. It kept me focused, I set reasonable goals and the results were tangible. Thanks guys! I started the program benching 205 lbs, and I put 45 lbs on my max in 10 weeks. Thanks again."
Jason Neyhart, Duluth, GA
"I just started really lifting about a year ago, and I’ve been trying to get my bench up to a respectable weight. Well when I saw your program on-line, I knew that was exactly what I wanted to do. So, about 10 weeks ago I started your critical bench program at a measly 250 lb max. Making 300 has been my biggest goal since I started lifting, and I figured if this even had a chance of working I needed to try it. Following all of the details of the program was difficult because I go to the United States Coast Guard Academy, and the regimented life style that comes with going to a military academy doesn’t allow for the sleep or nutrition. However, I did manage to not miss a lift over the ten weeks. Today I maxed out for week 11, and no shit, I put up 300lbs. My lifting partner Phil started with around a 200 max, and following the program as close as he could put up 260 today. I have to say that the program was successful and worth every dime."
Kirt Linegar
"I am 21 years old, 5'11" and weigh 201 lbs. I have been weight training for around 15 months I have just completed the 10 week program you sold me. My 1RM 10 weeks ago, was 230 lbs. Today, 10 weeks later, I maxed out at 280 lbs - a 50 pound increase (Just like you said.) Thank you for you expertise and help in approaching my goal of 300 lbs. It's great to see that the program works for the relative newcomers as well as the more experienced lifters."
Andrew Rouse - Sydney, Austrailla
"I am 54 years old and was about 182 at the time of starting your program. I was in pretty good shape and have been working out for years. I am a certified personal trainer and an investor in Southlake Nautilus Systems a 3-store chain of health clubs here in Northwest Indiana.
The immediate results of your program have been incredible. Although I have watched my diet for years my body fat never seem to get below 15% no matter what I did. In order to be succesful I decided to get real serious with your program and to follow it verbatim. I put new rigor in eating enough protein and found I was hugely focused on your ideas. In a few short weeks I have lost 3% bodyfat while only losing 2-3 lbs. My strength in every bodypart has gone up tremendously and everyone at the club has been asking me what I have been doing so others have noticed as well. Sure feels good to have members of the opposite sex compliment an old man. This program has been perfect for me and proved that as I suspected my previous workout program of full-body 3 times a week was overtraining. End result, I am looking at a wastline that is only a inch away from college days and I feel terrific. I am entering my first competition (yes, I know it is mid-cycle in your program) this Saturday and looking forward to seeing what I can do. It is not about winning but having fun and proving the value of your training methods. I thank you for your program."
Steve Moskowitz, Merrillville Indiana
"Critical Bench Brothers,
I am 43 years old and I weigh 212. I entered my first powerlifting competition on 1/18/03 "Deal with the Steel" a Jamie Harris production. I successfully won the 220 lbs. Masters and Open class with a masters world record, 600 lbs bench press on my 2nd lift. Just missed a 625 on my 3rd lift. I am getting stronger and learning so much more about the bench. I will be at the Masters National Championships in Daytona come this May. I'm very new to the sport but I've always had a strong bench press. I've only used a single ply shirt at this point. (Imagine...) I'm excited and and thankful for some of the tips I've gotten from critical bench. This is an awesome web site and "yes you can teach an old dawg new tricks". My quest for 700 is in my grasp!!!" "
Mark Carter
Now… I used to sell these programs individually. If your current one rep max was 225 pounds… you’d get the training log that went with the 225 max program.
Many people have ordered this program several times JUST to get access to the different training charts.
But to celebrate the ten year anniversary of the Critical Bench Program… I’m giving away access to all 80 training logs.
This includes a starting max of 100 pounds all the way up to a starting bench press max of 500 pounds. Each training log used to cost 39.99. If you’ve been to the Web site before you know this is the truth. If you had ordered all of these programs individually in the past… it would cost almost $3200.
When the ten year anniversary of the program rolled around… I decided I wanted to do something special for everyone that has supported the site and the program over the years.
Since I first wrote the program… I’ve interviewed hundreds of world class powerlifters and bodybuilders. I’ve started competing in power lifting myself and joined a few underground barbell clubs.
So I have a ton of new information I want to share with you.
I want to offer the revised Critical Bench Program 2.0 for a special limited price of just $127 $77$47 as a way of celebrating the ten year anniversary and thanking you for your support.
Here’s Exactly What You Get…
CRITICAL COMPONENT 1: The Critical Bench Program 2.0
This is the master manual that explains your program theory and tells you everything you need to know to follow your workout charts.
It includes exercise descriptions, training parameters, motivation and everything you need to support you in crushing your goals.
You'll be light years ahead of your buddies and you'll discover exactly how to max out for maximum poundage.
Get ready to up your max 50 pounds or more all while packing on some serious muscle in the process.
CRITICAL COMPONENT 2: Customized Training Logs 100-500 LBS
You'll receive over 80 Workout Charts! They come in five pound increments. As I mentioned earlier, every single one of these training logs has been selling for $39.99 for the past ten years and now you get them all.
Each training log gives you the exact numbers you need to hit on your bench press for the 10-Week Program as well as a full body power building routine to follow.
CRITICAL COMPONENT 3: Bench Press Fundamentals Online DVD
This presentationw will reveal to you How to Bench Press Correctly.
Fundamentals of the bench press are taught by Mike Westerdal (me), Pro Level Powerlifter Clint Smith of Team Samson, and World Record Contender AJ Roberts of the famous Westside Barbell Club.
You'll really discover some hidden gems from the bonus footage starring Jim Smith of Diesel Crew and Power-Building Champ Lee Hayward.
Increase your bench 20 lbs the first time you try these tactics.
3 Reasons You’ll Want to Act Now…
The Critical Bench Program has never been on sale. NEVER… for 10-years straight until now.
Each max chart has been sold individually for 39.99. Now you get all 80 charts for only $77$47 ($3199 value)
The price will be going up when this Ten Year Anniversary sale ends.
But even that’s not all you’re going to get if you order right now.
If You Order Right Now Before Midnight OnJanuary 30, 2018
You’ll Also Get These 4 Bonuses…
Worth Over $199 Absolutely FREE
BONUS 1: The Critical Deload Routine
After you complete the Critical Bench Program simply follow this deload routine to give your muscles, nervous system and joints a break. Now you're ready to move on to the next max chart on the Critical Bench Program and keep your gains coming.
BONUS 2: Critical Conversations With Elite Iron Warriors
Remember how I said I've been interviewing the World's greatest powerlifters, bodybuilders, strength athletes and fighters over the past 10 years? These are the best of the best. You'll surely pick up some tips I missed to help take your training to the next level. 146-pages
BONUS 3: Critical Exercise Guide
Not sure how to perform all the exericses? Need to substitute an exercise due to an inury or lack of equipment? No problem just refer to your handy Exercise Guide. 226-pages
BONUS 4: In-Depth Report On Creatine's Usage In Sports
Creatine is the most popular muscle building and strength gaining supplement. Find out the facts before you start taking it.
Here’s My Iron-Clad Sixty Day Money-Back Guarantee!
Now, even though I’ve been online for over 10 years now… and have grown my site into one of the most popular and well-respected sites online… you still may be skeptical. And rightfully so.
Even though I’ve tried to do my best to prove to you that this program will help you increase your bench press, pack on some muscle mass, and gain more strength… I’m gonna take it a step further.
You can see all of it, for FREE, if you choose.
Here’s how.
Just get the Critical Bench program and try it out.
If you're not completely happy with what you’ve learned and with the results you’ve gotten… you get a complete and full refund… no questions asked. Absolutely no hard feelings, it's a risk free opportunity for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
And since you took the time, effort, and faith to try my program, I want you to keep the bonus gifts... free of charge... even if you decide to take advantage of the money-back guarantee.
I guess what I’m saying is… just give it a try because you have nothing to lose.
But you can gain more muscle mass, strength, and confidence… you can look better AND feel better about yourself… just by giving it a shot.
And remember, this sale has never taken place before. The cost of these programs, if purchased separately in the past, was over $3,000 (there are over 80 different bench routines)
In Summary Here's Everything That's Included
Included For FREE
In This OfferCost if
Bought Seperately
Critical Bench Program 2.0
$69.9580 Customized Training Logs$120Bench Press Fundamentals Online DVD
$39.99Critical Deload Routine
$39.99Conversations With Elite Iron Warriors
$19.99Critical Exercise Guide
$29.99The Creatine Report
TOTAL if bought seperately:
So go ahead, click the order button below and you’ll be accessing your material in just minutes.
10 Year Anniversary Sale $127 $77 $47
Keep Training Hard,
Mike Westerdal, CPT
criticalbench1 at gmail.com
P.S. Look, as a weight lifter… you want to be able to bench more weight. And I’m going to show you exactly how to do it. It’s the same exact system I personally used to add over 50 pounds to my bench in just 10 weeks.
More important, I was able to gain some much needed muscle mass and strength when my bench press went up that much. It allowed me to have so much more confidence in myself.
When I got bigger and put on some muscle… I no longer felt like the weak, skinny guy. I felt so much more powerful and confident. I was more outgoing and also got a lot more looks from the ladies.
Not to mention, I loved when my buddies got jealous of me when I rocketed past their bench press weights… and also blew past them in size and muscularity. That was priceless!
I want you to feel the same way I felt when I discovered these secrets… this really did improve my life and help me feel better about myself.
So go ahead and try these same techniques… I promise you… you won’t be sorry you gave it a spin.
P.P.S. I really want to stress this to you. If you’re feeling frustrated trying to increase your bench press, and for whatever reason… what you're trying isn't working, then let me help you.
Or if you want to pack on some solid muscle mass and you just don’t know where to turn for real answers that work… this will help you more than you can imagine.
These are the same exact secrets I learned and used that helped me skyrocket my bench press and increase my muscle gains… so I was finally able to feel proud and confident about myself.
10 Year Anniversary Sale $127 $77 $47
NOTE: The Critical Bench Program 2.0 is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals, audio, and video files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer. The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
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