Will it solve the country economic downfall?
Retrenchment is the only option
But in log run the country will lost
Their skill workers who have undergone training under company expenses.
There are ways prior going for retrenchment?
Get rid of the blood suckers , people's who think of profit to themselves. Earners who are selfish.
Earning through others hard earn money
Productivity to be increase and so as their income. Their mindset money buying power should be increased.
So how to solve a family as a whole
Their monthly needed sources of In come. Every family members should work and share their income to solve any disputes.
The authority should slow down on
Enforcing penalties to innocent citizen causing hurts and pain irder
To abide to laws and regulations
Retrenchment should not exist.
Give and share the opportunities
On how to earn handsomely through
Unselfish the rich educating and set example as to how they gain their decent extra vaganza lifestyle.
There must be ways to SHARE
Making Money From home.
To our mutual success
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