ATTENTION: Women That Want To Lose The Last 10-15LBS While Working Out Less And Eating As Much Delicious Food As You Want...
Busy Mom Of 3 Loses Last 15 Pounds Of Stubborn Baby Weight With This Uncommon Workout Secret
What You’re About To Read Is Only For Women Who Want To Drop The Last 10-15 Pounds Of Stubborn Fat From Their Belly, Thighs, Back, Or Arms…
When I woke up that cold January morning, I had no clue a routine hockey game would turn into one of the most heartbreaking and pivotal moments of my life.
And, I never thought that this pair of hockey pants would help me finally lose the last 10lbs of stubborn fat off my body...for GOOD.
Before all of this happened, I was working out like crazy.
If I didn’t get an hour of long sweat-inducing, heart-pounding exercise at least 5 times per week I felt overwhelming guilt because that’s what I thought was necessary to shake those dreaded last few pounds...
So I started working out more...and more...and more...
I was literally doing some type of workout at the gym every single day….
Forcing myself through countless long, grueling, and extremely boring cardio sessions... just like everyone said I was supposed to...
I even started eating less and meticulously counting EVERY single calorie...
Yet despite all of that...

I STILL Had That Ugly Layer Of Fat Around My Stomach And Thighs That Made My Pants Fit Too Tight And Hid All Of My Hard Work
Maybe you know what that feels like…
To think you’re doing everything right with little to show for all your hard work. It’s depressing.
But, little did I know that all of those long grueling workouts were actually SABOTAGING my ability to lose weight and destroying my hormones...
I felt tired all the time, my cravings were out of control, and my body felt foreign to me.
But it wasn’t until I got to my hockey game that one fateful day in January that I realized there HAD to be more to the story...
Before that game I had no idea that the solution to my stubborn weight was right under my nose…
In fact, my husband would be the one to get me out of this rut and finally help me lose the weight and feel great in my body again…
And, in a moment, I’ll share the odd secret he shared with me that turned my post-pregnant sluggish body into a slim, toned body that he can’t keep his hands off now…

Little did I know, too much cardio was actually slowing my metabolism and sabotaging my fat loss results.
The Best Part Is That This Uncommon Secret Now Saves Me HOURS Every Week In The Gym...And I Was Able To Give Up The Obsessive Calorie Counting And Once Again Enjoy My Favorite Foods…

Thanks to my husband's odd discovery, I never feel like this after working out anymore!
As someone who believed that “more is better” to the point of exercising like I was about to compete in the CrossFit games, I initially resisted my husband’s discovery…
I honestly thought he had lost his mind!
For years, especially after having my 3 kids, I looked for any way possible to get in more exercise to burn away the pounds, which is why I also started playing hockey every week. I figured with how demanding the sport is and the amount of cardio required...I’d drop those last few pounds pretty quickly.
But I couldn’t have been more wrong.
When I got to my game, I walked by the mirror in the dressing room and caught my reflection. I stared at myself for a second then pushed on the squishy part of my stomach wishing the ugly belly fat would just go away already.
I just didn’t get it…
I was putting in endless hours of exercise every week and eating meticulously the point of obsessing over my I just didn’t understand why I was stuck at this frustrating plateau for so long.
Seeing myself like that in the mirror was bad enough but what happened next caused me to completely break down...
I went to slide on my huge hockey pants and after they got to my knees they stopped moving. They were completely STUCK and wouldn’t go on all the way.
These weren’t my “skinny jeans” from high school or anything like that...these pants are padded and made BIG to fit comfortably overtop your hockey gear...
Surely this wasn’t happening...
As soon as I realized they didn’t fit, my first thought was that I must have grabbed the wrong pair. So, I said to myself, “Relax Amy, these must be someone else's who wears a smaller size…they must have gotten mixed up in the change room...”
So I double checked. And to my surprise I saw “Amy C.” written on the inside flap with the blue sharpie I use to mark all of my hockey equipment.

Use this workout secret and you’ll never again feel like I did because your clothes don’t fit.
My Stomach Dropped And It Felt Like Time Stood Still
Luckily I was alone because I sat there in complete shock for what felt like an eternity, then the tears started building up until I couldn’t hold them in any longer...
I felt like a failure. I felt like there was something wrong with me. I just couldn’t understand it.
Not only was I putting in ridiculous amounts of grueling hard work to shed the last few pounds that were “masking” my true body, I was actually starting to GAIN weight. I didn’t understand what the heck was happening and what more I could possibly do.
I just about felt like giving up all together.
I tried to justify it in my head...and look for easy “outs” that would make me feel better. At this point I had 3 kids, I was getting older, and I always felt like I had awful genes anyway...
But, telling myself all of that didn’t make me feel any better.
That was by far the worst hockey game of my life...the entire time I was distracted by the thought of how I ended up in this position and why this was happening to me.
After what felt like the longest hour of my life, I quietly walked into the change room, got dressed, and drove straight home...without saying much to any of my hockey friends before leaving...
When I pulled into the driveway, I sat in my car in pure silence for almost 30 minutes, even though it was freezing outside. I eventually gathered the strength to walk inside and my husband could immediately sense something was wrong...

So I Explained To Him What Had Happened And My Eyes Welled Up Again
Then, I stopped talking and looked up at him. And he did something I didn’t expect at all.
He grinned at me.
I wondered how he could find any of this funny or entertaining, and I started to feel anger bubbling up. But before I got to that point, he walked over to me, gave me a reassuring hug and told me something that changed my life forever...
Hey, it's Yuri...
Before I tell you what I told Amy, I want you to know something. I grinned because I understood exactly what she was going through and how to fix her problem while putting an end to the crazy workouts and not obsessing over her diet anymore…
And I’m going to share that very solution with you too, in just a second.

If You’ve Never Heard Of Me Before, My Name Is Yuri Elkaim. I’m The New York Times Best-Selling Author Of The All-Day Energy Diet And The All-Day Fat Burning Diet
I’m also a world-renowned fitness and nutrition expert, as well as a former professional athlete and strength and conditioning coach at one of the top universities in the world.
Over the past 2 decades, I’ve helped over 500,000 men and women:
- Skyrocket their energy levels
- Crush their fat loss goals, and
- Achieve vibrant health
...even from the worst possible starting points.
My entire life has been devoted to helping people around the world transform their health and I knew I could help my wife.
But I also realized that helping those closest to you is easier said than done. If you’ve ever tried getting your parents, kids, or significant other to “change”, then you know what I mean.
That was the dilemma I faced with Amy. Thankfully, she became a lot more receptive to the amazing fat loss discovery I had made after her breakdown
She was crushed. She didn’t know what else to do. She was desperate and more open than ever to try something different…
So knowing I could help fix this problem gave me an instant feeling of elation and relief. After spending 2 decades helping others, I could finally do something BIG to help my wife love her body and feel amazing...

Here’s what I said to her:
“Amy, I wish you would have talked to me about this sooner. You know that thousands of my clients have been in the same position where they just couldn’t shake those last 10 to 15lbs no matter what they did.Even when they exercised like maniacs and ate like rabbits they either got stuck at an unbreakable “plateau” or ended up GAINING weight.”
I continued…
“The good news is that there’s a very scientific reason WHY this happens, especially to women. And, I’ve pioneered a unique training method that will let you quickly melt away that stubborn weight, eat to your heart’s content, and spend less than 60 minutes a week exercising.And I’ll be honest with you…I didn’t bring it up until now because I didn’t want to “butt in” and tell you what to do. I know you’re a strong woman and like to find your own way.But now, seeing you like this – a mere shadow of your true self – it’s time for you to listen to what’s already helped so many people who have been in your shoes.”
Amy grabbed a seat on the couch, leaned in, and was more interested than ever. I continued to tell her that...
The TRUTH I discovered after helping thousands of men and women lose the last few pounds is that the old “eat less, move more” myth is NOT the answer…
In fact, as you’re about to see, there’s a mountain of research that shows that following that outdated advice is TERRIBLE for your long-term health AND fat loss!
The Real Answer To Losing Stubborn Weight And Keeping
It Off For Good Is Being Able To Tap Into A Phenomenon
I Call... The “All-Day Burn”
Now, before I tell you what it is, it’s important to understand that:
There are two groups critical of fat loss hormones in your body that go haywire as a result of not eating enough and doing way too much of the wrong types of exercise
I call the first group of 3 hormones the “Metabolic Switch” because they work together to determine if your body stores or burns fat.
Like trying to force a round peg into a square hole, when these 3 hormones are out of balance, you simply can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try.
And pushing yourself even more, especially if it’s with lots of cardio, flips this “Metabolic Switch” in the WRONG direction, telling your body to hold onto fat…
I’ll show you exactly why this happens and what these 3 hormones are in just a second. But first, let’s look at the second group of important fat loss hormones...
This second group is your “Fat Fighters”. These are 3 crucial hormones that prime your metabolism to burn more fat, not only during your workout, but around the clock.
These 3 hormones will make more sense once I show you the #1 worst workout to avoid that sabotages fat loss, so I’ll tell you more about them when we get to that...
For now, just understand:

If You Really Want To Drop Those Last Few Stubborn Pounds, Fixing The “Metabolic Switch” Tells Your Brain That It’s SAFE To Burn Fat, While The “Fat Fighters” Ignite Your Metabolism To Keep Churning Through Fat All Day Long, Even When You’re Not Exercising...
Killing yourself in the gym, “sweating away” the pounds, or depriving yourself of food doesn’t work to get rid of stubborn fat because of how these common (and dangerous) strategies affect the two groups of fat loss hormones we just mentioned…
I finished by telling Amy that...
“If you continue to follow the “eat less, move more” approach you’re going to keep doing more damage to your precious hormones, while holding on to body fat and feeling worse day by day...I don’t want that for you. I want you to be YOU again. To be happy and present with me and the kids. I want you to love what you see in the mirror because you truly are amazing.”
Amy started feeling more hopeful. Like there was actually a light at the end of the tunnel. And she realized that even though she exercised a lot and ate right, it was what was happening “under the hood” - at a hormonal level - that was the ultimate cause of her struggles.
And these same physiological imbalances are most likely what’s holding you back as well. But don’t worry, we’ll get you all sorted today.
Let me show you a few studies that PROVE what I’m talking about here:
One study posted in the European Journal of Applied Physiologyillustrates the danger of “over-exercising”…
The study found that 20 weeks of daily cardio among women led to a significant decrease in T3, which is the vital thyroid hormone that controls your metabolism.
The same study also found unwanted decreases in leptin, which is the “hunger hormone” that tells your brain that you’re full and to stop eating…
These dangerous hormonal DROPS were the body’s way of protecting itself and “conserving energy” in response to the excess STRESS these women imposed on their bodies by pushing too hard.
The result?
A sluggish thyroid which slowed their metabolism to burn fewer calories along with a diminished “I’m full” signal from low leptin levels, which led them to eat even more!
Another study in the International Journal of Obesity found that after long cardio workouts, the subjects ate 100 calories more than they had just burned off in their workout. The researchers found that even READING had less of a calorie rebound effect!
And one final study published in the January 2015 edition of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that a moderate amount of exercise was proven to be more effective and even healthier than a large amount. In fact, excessive amounts of exercise were found to be potentially harmful.

Your body will never let go of stubborn fat if your
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